The much awaited announcement was made on 6 May about the exclusive Indian version of PUBG Mobile called Battleground Mobile India. In a new development, a link appears on the game's official website, which redirects players to the Google Play Store
The long wait for the players is about to end and the entire community has been thrilled by the new developments in the last few weeks. This will be preceded by a pre-registration process, before Battleground Mobile India is officially released. Today, developers have revealed that pre-registration for the upcoming title will begin on May 18.
Battlegrounds Mobile India: Download link appears on the website and redirects to Google Play Store
Many people asked questions about whether they would be able to match players from other countries. The answer to that is no. Until now, it is not possible to play with users from other countries and will only be able to compete against other Indian players. ''
It now appears that PUBG Mobile is on track to make a comeback in India. Users can follow the official social media handle of Battleground Mobile India to stay updated on all the news:
Website Link :: Click Here
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